When someone says “The All-powerful, All-knowing God Who Does Not Make Mistakes” they either do not know God, or they are lying to you.
They say that to scare you. They say that to control you. Organized religion is very good at that. I don’t think they intentionally lie to you – let me rephrase that. I think if they DO know God and they say that then they are intentionally lying to you, but I think they believe they are doing it for a good reason. Of course, that reason does include the purpose of controlling you, but they believe they are doing it for your good.
Why do you think they feel it is a good idea to lie to you? Do they believe you are not intelligent enough to handle the truth? Is the truth a bad thing? Are they trying to mold you into thinking only what they want you to think so they can easily control your thoughts and actions? Just something to think about.
Why do I say that they don’t know God if they pronounce him as being all-powerful, all-knowing, and never making mistakes? Because anyone who reads the Bible can see that that is not even close to being true. If you believe every word in the Bible is gospel, then you must accept it as it is written.
I bring this up simply to explain how important it is to not just accept what someone tells you is true, but if you do your homework you will always have a much better understanding of any subject you study. That includes the Bible. Do not let others decide how you are to think and act in any given circumstance.
Full disclosure: I am not a theologian. I have not “formally studied” the Bible or religion. I have no background in theology or religious studies. I am not here to “preach” or portray myself as some religious authority. I am simply someone who has read the Bible and has made what I think are some common sense interpretations of what it is I have read. My interpretations don’t seem to match up with a lot of what I hear that IS being preached.
My goal is to show you that you will have a much better understanding of the Bible and God’s words if you dive deeper into the actual words rather than just accepting the canned responses and scripted talking points you are bombarded with regularly.
When speaking with someone concerning the “Christian” religion I always ask them one “simple” question. I say simple but to this day not one person has ever given me a correct answer to the question. And it is simple, and the answer is in the first chapter of the Bible.
All three of those statements, all-powerful, all-knowing, and never making mistakes, can be easily disproven in the very first chapter of the Bible.